Thursday, January 15, 2009

On of those days...

Had a terrible day today... nothing to do with the vagaries of work or the lack of them... nothing to do with friends or people around or the knack of them... nothing to do with anyone... but more to do with me and me alone... I donno what snapped, which side of the cot i got off... or was it the rather too early dose of floyd... or maybe it was me undoing myself by simply drifting down the road not travelled anymore... or maybe it was just one of those days... For i woke up with a start... a start so rattled and bummed that it could only have resulted post the haunting dream that plagues me far too many times... i tend to revisit some certain events/occurances/misdemeanours alot... and that too in my dreams only... maybe somewhere at the back of my mind theres still some silent regret at being a lunatic loser a summer gone by... or maybe its just my current disposition where i stand down an alley too dark... too miasmic... groping for a a grip... or maybe am up somewhere alone orbitting like some satelite stationed at a point looking down the mess i created in my life... but then again... maybe its just me expecting too much from people i know too little of... or maybe...its life itself...which i know nothing of...