Thursday, July 17, 2008

Catapulted... into delerium...

I walk unsure... i tread with no caution
feet struggling to find the ground... head buzzing
I glugged a lot... usually do... nothing new
but then someone came and added a few
lines... a few breaths of delerium... saw me flying
I feel like dying... i wish i bled
lord kill me before am dead
the eyes seem a darker shade of crimson today... the skin...
a paler shade of white...akin...
to a somber summers day...
sun retreating... feet not sure where to head today...
i like blowing smoke rings... cant quite...
get the touch right...
or maybe its too messed up in the head...
am headed where feet are led...
and to where i dont know... the cliff that seemed to far...
am i following a star... or is my mind still at war..
with my body for i feel like diving...
off this thing and not surviving...
ahh miasma...delerium... unsure i stand on the thores...
of hell and life... on the shores...
of nothingness... entrapped unsure... free..
i let this one be...
no longer at the shore...
now u see me no more...
gone beyond the border where life meets retreat...
in hell... i am... dragged behind my feet...