Monday, July 21, 2008

Ek peg hor...

We at drinking anonymous believe that an addition or deletion (which is impossible to do) to the amount you already have in your system shall in no way invigorate or exacerbate your current state of being, for you are in the words of the great Confucius 'Stoned' or as he put it 'Stooooonedaaaa' and that merely means that you are basically a muse for the bar tender, who is giving you shot glasses full of sparkling water, and a bigger muse for the DJ who is laughing his ass off as you proclaim your true love to music, whereas he knows fully well you wont miss a chance to jump on the next girl who passes by, sadly though u have guys aka 'Stags' (thats like the word that will keep u out of the shadiest of places on a weekend) for company.
An even bigger stock o' laughter (and a sinister one at that) u r for all the 'Couples' who waltz by, them laughing in muffled tones over your brotherhood (there cant be a more corny word for it), seeing you all swear it out loud, the bouncer (why do they call them that??? do they bounce u out??? or is it that there huge bulk shall make them bounce???) towering over u, and u resorting to headbang your way into a neck sprain. But they are not happy within, the guy is remniscing of his days of freedom, n the girl (this is an assumption) wondering what it will be like to party with headbanging moronic buch of loosers wud b like???
And then it dawns over you, all of this is unreal, the music the laughter the cynical jibes, the toothless argumentative deliberations by the ones in the distance making out with eyes transfixed at your displays of unbashed freedom. What matters what calls this whole place to disorder and blows it to smithriens is the fact that you represent more then a bunch of guys partying, you represent freedom, freedom from the crutches of ineptitude displayed at work, or the momentary lapse in love you suffered, or from the freak of nature who just did dum u, u represent an aimless youth who could be puking on your table right now, laugh over it and not give a flying fuck to anything... u my friend are utopia, and nothing can take it away from u, not a peg more or less can change you, for u r delerium itself... and i am way 2 jagged 2 write... n high not on alchohol but on a spirit far more sinister...


Anonymous said...

theme change.....

TFI Girlfriend said...

dude seriously..stopping getting out on tharra..its embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!