Saturday, October 11, 2008

Care for cake?

Many try... few can do... have their cake... and eat it too...

This quote confused me, the foodie that i am, as a kid i used 2 think that by not having the entire cake on my birthday i was not living the quote, and by having someone else share of the pie i was depriving that individual of a quintessential law proposed by nature, but then as i grew old... and learnt the ways of the world i realised, its beyond a pie eating thing, its about survival...its about taking what you desire and may not deserve, its about looking into plates and pallets of others and picking whatever grub drops of so as 2 feed a starving life... The once fulfilling tangible cake is now a plethora of things and emotions. Everyone feels deprived with their buckets full or empty, they all feel theres something amiss... terribly so... that the central spoke of their wheel of life is missing or is it??? Is it just a wordplay 2 rise above the worldplay, are we all desirous of every possible and available tangible or intangible thing thats there, is contentment just a catch phrase to throw around in parties to appease the demi gods and gurus who in their own world are so empty inside that they are out seeking peace in the pieces of life they are alone in. Are we all so very much focused towards fulfilling lifes goals and ambitions which again are offshoots of seeds planted by a parent or a friend, and as an independent thinking entity you would rather be immersed in something you feel god had desired of u...
Is our hunger ever satisfied...are we ever satiated... is our pie so bloody small that having eaten it till the last grub we are desperate to finish someone else's share, or do we feel so deprived thinking that our flavour wasnt good enough??? As kids it was all too simplistic... vanilla was the only ice cream flavour... pineapple was the only cake... and now vanilla is ewwwww... pineapple is oh puhleease... so has the flavor gone bad or are the new ones so alluring... wrong on both counts... a blind test will show that its just that the value associated with the banal basic stuff is reducing...we need invigoration's we are slave 2 a change.. or are we changing to a slave... in any case we are drifting into modalities and changes with lifestlye that far exceed our realm of experience... wy should human race be so blinded to catch up to a future they themselves havent aspired or dreamt for, why not let the tastes be and taste what exists, we are going beyond ourselves, crossing frontiers, getting into someone else's space, for once... let the animals be... let other life be... ur not the only one on this planet, try and understand theres an ecology we have to support... look beyond ur cake and someone elses for once... look at the baker and how poor he is... he is done baking for u... he had fed u alot... about time u noticed that u r drifting into the realm of a world u dnt understand, dnt be a slave of ur own device... rise up!!! eat the cake and taste it too!!!


Anonymous said...

somehow this is one of the most ironical posts here...