Sunday, November 30, 2008


When its all over and done...
will u stand next 2 ur grave and contemplate...
was this the right chosing of fate...
was this the way u wanted 2 live...
a few bangs a few body bags...
some soul lying on the streets...
will ur bullet pierce my brow, or will it go in between...
is this the life u have seen...
its not your chosing nor mine...
in the end who cares whose fine?
someones religion someone elses belief...
one mans fire one nations grief...

this is not the end you and I know...
who knows which way this time the zephyr will blow...
or will it be a tempest who knows...
whose house it destroys when it blows...
for we come to blows for reason we dint decide...
ur faith and my fate belied...
someone will shed a tear when i die...
in some obscure corner of ur jannat u will lie...
with the promised loot of hoors at ur call...
so who was it who ordered to kill em all???

is he there? with u to enjoy his share...
or is he down below and doesnt care...
for he has but one aim thats anarchy and bloodshed...
he has left... u n I both dead...
one by a bullet one by destinies chosing...
its not a battle we are losing...
but a belief in life itself we have given up on...
so who will cry when you are gone???
or will they bury u again and again till the earth stops spitting you out...
for no spittoon shall bear u nor will a grave...
and u wish allah forgave...
he cant for he too never preached...
the road u have beseeched...