Friday, November 28, 2008

generating gap...

Me and my hommies... we always feel as if we are getting older...faster then it ought 2 be... we are as they say.. not in sync or in touch with the younger uns out there...n wat they actually do mean is that wen they are roaming out there on the streets seeing them guys with crazy hairdo's the kinds where there is no partition just spikes or rather long strands covering faces... and shirts that aint tucked in and sneakers that are a size or 2 too big... they feel outta place and so do i... remember bond ordering a martini with watever inside n everyone on the table asking for that in casino royale??? i felt that ways 2 wen this kid no older than 10 walked into the salon with his dad in tow...looking at the barber...tellin him stuff u hear of in vogue... he went: bhaiyaa since i have a square face this cut with this thing will do and since my hair are light i will have crimping (watever that is...i thot its gotta do with lan cabeling) done... n his dads like watever he says just do it... n then he explains 2 his dad wat he meant... n i look at myself n feel my hair...they seem light...n i ask for a crimping 2!!! which i am told wnt look good... n i 2 am like watever...!!! so is this kid a new gen right outta the box thing or is he being fed a diff info then we are?? :|
so is this a gap in itself or is it just some bridge that exists which we never wud infact cross???

n nw as of this moment and in the state i am in... i have a confession 2 make...which... i guess... shud n wud wait for a long long time...