Tuesday, May 13, 2008

midnights child run...

wever... inconsequential and insipid this life is... every night i lie down hoping i can escape this one feeling this one needless emotion deep down inside... as my flatmate gets off the phone and so does another friend of mine who has come over... i stare at my cell... hoping it will ring... for i too wont ming feeling miserable for once... for it sure will lighten up the way i am... for it will ring in something afresh... but alas... its me and my lap top... and the idiot box and that one hour at the Gym... and then it back to waiting for delirium... yess i am kinda loony admitting the fact that i am gripped by loneliness... but who the hell gives a fuck to this blog here... i mean the last person to check this one was me and so was the one before and one before that... so well i'll say save tonight... by the time am high bring on tomorrow... for today brings sorrow save tonight...
and then floyd... floyds the pole star the guiding light to me... and wish u were here and comf numb bring respite and great gig settles it all.. so so u think u can tell... well butttttt iiiiiiiiii hve become comfortably numb... and tomorrow i wont wake up... i dont wanna wake up... i see no point on going through this any more...but before i go...let me make my final stand... hmmm chuck it... adios...