Thursday, May 8, 2008

sick and counting...

the sad part was she knew it...
but when its getting done with u dont care shit...
she knew i cudnt say it seeing her in the eyes...
that i would end up making up lies...
or reasons sad as they were, to avoid...
the talk of the thing the "void"...
so i left a note... with my usual ps to conclude...
and did post it with regards so as to not sound rude...

and imagined then what it would be like there...
hell when its over you dont care....
but still would she shed a tear...
or wud she simply tear....
and call it a day...celebrate...
did she say wait or hate...
its over right why this thought...
theres better stuff to think about aint it not...

did i stick a stamp or would she have to pay...
man i posted the thing on a sunday....
and she wont like paying the postman the dime or nickel...
these things made her rather fickle...
shud have called and done it u might be sayin...
then the breakdown at the other end wud men am stayin...
but wud she have broken down and cried...
or wud those drops have lied....
what the hell... its over i snapped it... its done...
but then again a replacement needed.. neone???