Monday, May 5, 2008

to freethinking and friends... meaningless idiosyncracises...

there are times when things go nowhere, when all your best laid plans hit a wall... and u urself are trying to scale one. There are days when you wake ip feeling, so very good about life, you know its perfect, you have that feeling deep down inside that it will all turn around today... and the dawn dawns upon with the same monotony as yesterday had ended, ur eyes weary feet feet following the same course home, mind not too sure, whether it was in the stars or did u miscalculate something or maybe it was just the way the cookie did crumble, but here u r back again... ending today, no mood to see tomorrow, somehow every night i sleep i wish i woke up in goa, strange but true, not that i havent vacationed before, but there was something so incendiary and so cataclysmic about it, about that place, i dint for once dint wanna be anyplace else, mind dint wander, i slept sans a dream, woke up sans a regret, save for one tinsel tricky moment, it was all sane, i knew in my heart of hearts, noplace and nowhere else shall i be this way, i was deprived of thoughts, of wanderings... and i dint wanna think as well... free of thinking i was... and friends, new ones at that and people who take ages to know u were there... so were those whom u have known for ages... and i knew i cud lean and support... and i knew the reason and the purport... the tenor... of being there of getting wet in the rain, of getting sloshed and walking barefoot, of driving on those winding roads... teared eyes... flushing away a century... and then soaring above (for a brief instant though) and seeing it from up there... wishing the cord will come undone and i wud fall free... then sitting in the middle of the sea... hoping the sun wont set... and if it does i dont have to row back... for i was alone (in my head) and i dint wanna think... for when i think things go awry... for me freethinking is rather free from thinking then thinking freely or whatever the anarchists would put it as...