Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Setting the right KRA and driving through hell…

Driving on Delhi roads is a nightmare, you need sharp reflexes, sharp senses auditory and visual, a loud horn and the loudest swear to get by, and if you aint got all that, u better be a blue line bus driver, for they are the self anointed kings of the road, they make no rules and they have made their bones as godfather would have put it. They command a respect that they have earned, earned by being the terror on the road, their kill count will put all war movies to shame, if a hummer were to bow down to something it would be a blue line. And negotiating the roads and the terrors that accompany driving gets tougher once you have a KRA to worry about, a KRA for the uninitiated stands for Key Result Area/Areas, and basically its hogwash, and some MBA grad in some not too distant a past would have coined this to get by.
Hers how it works, when you begin the year, you start off by setting what you think you would achieve, knowing very well that whatever you are writing down may not be what you are currently doing or end up doing, a KRA follows a cascading approach and what that means is that a purview of what you do is an offshoot of what your boss is doing, so if he wants to kill somebody, ur KRA is a something that contributes to the whole cause, so urs would be, supplied the knife/gun etc (if its self initiative thing)… or contacted the supplier that will do that (if its for external customer)… or negotiated the price (if its financials) and so on. Thus its all subject to the stuff that someone else is doing, even if in the entire thing u dint wanna play a part, but the perf linked incentive thing stipulates that for the employee to be eligible he must have actively participated in the cause and for exceeding the 100% amount you need to do beyond so if u like slashed the throat boy u r in for a raise.
So here I was driving to office in the morning and behind me I hear the loudest and the most irritating belch of a horn I have heard ever, and I glanced up and through the corner of my eye I saw a monster of a bus inches from my car, and I was confused, what would his KRA be, the drivers I mean, mow someone down? Sever some limbs? Crush a kid? Or is their a ticking time-bomb Speed style, the moment his speedo dips below 60 some poor soul dies!!! Another belch from the bus and I snap back to reality, and there’s a fork on the road, which way do I turn to avoid being chased?? I look in the rear, no indicator from him, come on dude for once let it be known to the world where you headed. So I do the surd trick, indicate am turning left and turn right, and the bus I see drifting away, I thus live to see another day, and having taken the wrong turn I might just be late to office, but at-least I will reach, atleast I will be able to fill some goddam KRA form, atleast I will be able to get rated for my PLI having cheated death, atleast I escaped the killers killing bid, atleast now I will be able to sip and say “ heres looking at you kid”!!!


Arby K said...

Did u have the fortune of driving on the Chennai traffic? I heard Delhi's a safe haven compared to this. But instead of the blue line buses, there are auto guys who can appear out of nowhere