Monday, September 8, 2008


hey well... its finally happened... got 2 step outta india... and colombo of all the places... the last time i did actually put a step out it was standin on the wagah border i dared 2 step into pakistan... and now this... the place... well chuck that, its no different then chennai... tams arnd... the oceans wat draws me here... its amazing... having seen the bay and the sea... the ocean was the pull... sittin on the waterfront... absorbin the enormity of the ocean itself made the trip worth it... humid n sultry it was i drenched shit loads but the roaring waves and the silence before they crashed made it all up... and all this happened a cuple of days ago, since then havnt had a chance 2 step outta here... works keepin me busy, though have recieved a doze of the culture here... some dances etc... but no substitute for a feet on street. Lesse wen that happens... and yeah saw a budhist temple, but wat followed killed the whole experience... it was an indian recievin a taste of his own medicine... the cows came home.. the fat lady sang and i had 2 pay thru the nose... butt all swells wen the pockets well... so well managed the mishap on companies expense...
Saw a komodo dragon or a croc... no cage nothing seperating...chanced upon tht... pretty thrillin tht was 2... and well 2 cut a long story short... 2 days 2 go... lesse wat brews...