Friday, September 12, 2008

Trimmed along the edges...

Life can cut u bluntly... and unannounced... a moment u r living easy and chilled and the next u r facing ur worse nightmares... and it comes knocking at ur door step... we all like it easy thus, a chilled smooth around the edge kinda drive, no bumps felt kinds... we desire hedonism, a whiff of fortitude and duress and its all in a mess. But something unsettling is just around the corner always, saw something today that jolted me, made me wanna rethink what i am doing here, living and all, i walked around wearing my heart on my sleeve, telling all that its about making a difference, and yet I am another spoke in this wheel of life, besotted and besetted by the predictable motion of everyday, wheres the me who felt one with the world and had set out to make it a better place. Is the schedule and adherence to the nondescript idiocity of it and being a monetary contributor to the escapist tax payers coffer my share of goodwill i had set out to do??? Am i really at peace with myself, by doing a piecemeal mundanity every day, or is it just a make belief world all togehter??? I might just wake up with a different set of ideals tomorrow, so right now i leave my mind with a thought, will u remember me tomorrow as i am today, or will my memory be a stain thats removed by the worst cleanser ever???
Got back from colombo yesterday, awesome place that is... nice clean, organised, the signals dont quite work as well as they function, there function is to make people aware they exist, and people there are aware that the purpose should be served, also was nice to live for 4 days in the lap of luxury... lurved it... every moment of it in a way... and now its back to the dreaded drool or the office, lesse how that pans out... so till the time i think again... good bye... cheers... and a vague caged remember me by... reality is an illusion thats washed away by the sands of time, dreams none can take away...


Arby K said...

U shud c the traffic signals in my hometown. There r always on pause (yellow). Once an other state truck caused a long traffic jam waiting for the light to go green :)