Monday, September 22, 2008

Pipe dreams...

Well come to the mother of all blog entries... this one is sure to bring in more hits... set the registers ringing... why would it do that??? It would for its for you... and you... and you as well... and you who is not me... its about the reader rather than the writer... the skimmer the glancer... the bored or occupied soul who spares a minute or two to go through a blog... or an entry... and has no courtsey to speak of to post a comment... butt I am a generous writer, i still applaud you for your interest and the effort you took to click on a link and read, and I thank you for the patience you have seen in going this far. And why may you be exhibiting that, or in saner words, why are you here???
>>Is it cuse I am the next best thing to happen after dylan wrote Like a Rolling stone...
>> Or is it cuse I am the inspiration you seek to go through the monotony of everyday...
>>Or am I the beacon u would like to follow to reach a goal that thus far seemed highly unlikely...
>> Or maybe what I write is a further source to inspire your quill to write tales untold...

( After a very crude and banal analysis of my past writings i am ashamed or rather disturbingly annoyed to state that all the above assumptions are not quite true, for the blog in itself is inept and incapable to bring me to read it)

(The answer thus I believe is indeed blowing in the wind... and some sullen wind that is... The answer is that you are not there... the hits are dwindling... the readers have dissapeared... the writers are dying... and I am not spared... its as if the readers never cared (sob sob...tear tear) I hope this emotional plee brings all you people back to the blog that sets the standards for all the blogs that ever existed... I know you are bored out of your life, I know you are out of things to do... and your washing is done... u have bloated loads after eating... your pet dogs are asleep... movies u have run out of... so come on... click... give moi a hit... for together we can and we will make a difference... )

(hmmm... and then god said lie no more u stinking boar... so heres whats in store... the blogs a bore... same scheme...same lines entry after entry after entry... I mean how could I write that was the first thing i asked... so well in light of the misery that it is... lets pretend the earlier entries never existed...and thus try and give a new meaning to it... a new beginning to it. From now on... I would write what you want me to... if u all say that hey give us a poem... voila next day a poem shall be there... if u want a critical analysis of the western monetary and economic policies, with a harsher crtique of Bush's schemes or somehting well u wud hve it.... this blog is thus christened... blogforlog (log as in people in hindi) )

if u r bored outta ur wits... kindly comment if u r... if u r not... u r more free than i have been...the pipe dreams thus end... thus ends the entry... this ends the hope that this would change...


Arby K said...

Hey, come on. Now I have to make a comment abt ur post and avoid being unseen. Keep ur posts coming. It is always refreshing to see a different look at life. I don't want to stretch on the global (since I am not good at it :) ), but I do read ur blog regularly.