Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the public belch...

Its inescapable... one time or the other everyone has to or ends up belching in the public... its unintentional... involuntary... in an inebriated or satiated state that you let go... and theres no turning back, the joy of the act is writ large on ur face and u cant deny the satisfaction u get from doin that, its not that u mind it, its just this that its a "taboo"... says who??? Well according to the book on etiquette and public mannerisms belch, fart, nose picking, ear wax removal and/or consumption, open air sneeze, puking etc are all proclaimed offences and any act that minutely represents that is considered objectionable and can lead 2 u being cast an outcast... no matter how much hedonsitic gratification that act might give you, it is nonetheless an offence...
So the obvious question is what to do when such a force of nature (unstoppable one at that) meets an immovable object (society)... do u let go... let ur emotions make the batter (better) of u or do u supress the surreptious desire thats rising like a tempest within u... here are a few tips from experts across the world...
- For a burp...try this yogic excercise turn ur face at an angle of 60 degrees to the crowd... then at 120 degrees than 180... if u r able to do that, u r an owl... owls have been known not 2 belch but hoot... I dont give 2 hoots to the trouble... just hoot your way away...
- Or try this meditation technique:- concentrate on the sweetest memory in ur mind... it could be your first date...or your first alcohol high... and then stay there... when you feel alone... alone in that cocoon let go.. burp loud and hard... if u cant see no one none can see u... :)
- or well stop readin this and go relieve urself in the washroom...