Monday, June 30, 2008

world as we blow it...

Unrest defines me... am at unrest with myself and everything around me (i just mis-spelt myself as myelf.. :D ) and that is not what this is about... unrest is passe now... the blowing up bit is in... i am blowing my life up into smithereens everyday... and i love it... and this is ending up being the same taddle tale... so heres something new...
Waking upto the smell of freshly brewed coffee with floyd playing somewhere far away the sound so distant and mystic that u left wondering which song it is...
Hanging out with your friends at whatever and whenver possible and chugging beer till u drop dead....
Devising new and improved plans on how to kill your boss,... saw hulk this weekend... and the hulk smash is numero uno...
Putting urself into situations u can writhe outta by killing some joy outta ur life...
Having a predominant presence of the words infactuation and unrequited in ur life and the 2 words end up being used in the same breath...
Slouched in a bean bag...breeze blowing... having ur fav book coverin ur face n u asleep with no care for the world...
Having the one u like the most run over u n not give a rats ass to the feeling or the situation and then drinking the entire thing down...
Waking up at 3 am only 2 realise its 4 already...
Having an alibi and that 2 an acceptable one for every sick ass punked up fuck up u do... :D
and thts about it for nw...