Tuesday, July 1, 2008

random killings of a blog on a midsummer night...

Some sleight of hand... and some mere twist of fate brings me here... i donno how to put it... i donno how u might take it... and i dong really know whether to actually go ahead and say it or not... but yeah its true... its for real... and blame it on balmy faith... or blame it on life itself... but we are where we are... we live the way we do... so distant and disjoint from each other and so very sure we are of lives we lead and of this that in no way or in for no reason will lives be intertwined and meshed up ever by any freak of nature or man... we shall continue to remain disjoint and dissacosiated for echleons to come... and am i supposed to argue or am i supposed to type in the winsome and confusing hi every single day knowing very well that the response shall never be forthcoming... not in this life... for in this life i aint endowed with perfection as we know it... so well lets leave it at that... or rahter park the issue for the moment...
the bone of contention is a what if... what if lives were to not merely exchange glances... but rather there is a bigger deeper more planned interconnect somewhere not 2 far away... or maybe its just me dreaming away hoping against hope though so sure that there is nothing coming out of this sortee i am flying...i might as well radio in a may day... and crash land or chute out while the flights in the air... for its always 2 late for me... theres always a tomorrow to look upto... a yesterday to forget...a today to mess up... so maybe i will rather fcuk up my case 2day... and let your memoirs be yesterday once more... and may i just not only sleep when i close my eyes... i wake up anew afresh alive...