We learn from mistakes wen we want 2... we ignore them when the need arises... look beyond them in a self sufficing blinded belief of being right... the righteous wrongs we do in the course of normal life far outweigh the correct course that we ought to have taken... we are in a ephemeral search to be someone we so long crave... and we are indifferent to the world insataible in desire... and then when the world ends when the goals there when life comes calling here you are where you wannabe... and you dnt know what to do about it...
My blog is rarely about people, rarely is someone other then me a part of it... but when i see them 2 sitting in front of me jostling it out independent of ego and still managing to psyche each other out no end... it really endears me... for them 2 mean alot... i mean I used 2 idiolise them at a point in time till my own ideals were shaken but seeing them still there warms me up... :)
I aint the kinds who would learn... i never can never will.. I am habitual of finding ditches where none exist and I am still further capable of tripping my own ass into it... i cheat myself into falling in...and then theres the tale of unrequited nothings that i go through... or subject myself 2... I ended another such chapter... and a very banal maraudic end at that.. I kept searching for an anticlimax... and it ended with the deletion of the gtalk id... which was like a ridiculous misdemeanour at the part of fate itself and I am not thinking of altering the past in any way... so well i will let life be again... and sort itself out!!!
so well here goes a nothing post... sort life out... make it work... or rather get a life... dont be the loser u have been for long...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
poka yoke... the art of mistake proofing...
Posted by Unknown at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
When its all over and done...
will u stand next 2 ur grave and contemplate...
was this the right chosing of fate...
was this the way u wanted 2 live...
a few bangs a few body bags...
some soul lying on the streets...
will ur bullet pierce my brow, or will it go in between...
is this the life u have seen...
its not your chosing nor mine...
in the end who cares whose fine?
someones religion someone elses belief...
one mans fire one nations grief...
this is not the end you and I know...
who knows which way this time the zephyr will blow...
or will it be a tempest who knows...
whose house it destroys when it blows...
for we come to blows for reason we dint decide...
ur faith and my fate belied...
someone will shed a tear when i die...
in some obscure corner of ur jannat u will lie...
with the promised loot of hoors at ur call...
so who was it who ordered to kill em all???
is he there? with u to enjoy his share...
or is he down below and doesnt care...
for he has but one aim thats anarchy and bloodshed...
he has left... u n I both dead...
one by a bullet one by destinies chosing...
its not a battle we are losing...
but a belief in life itself we have given up on...
so who will cry when you are gone???
or will they bury u again and again till the earth stops spitting you out...
for no spittoon shall bear u nor will a grave...
and u wish allah forgave...
he cant for he too never preached...
the road u have beseeched...
Posted by Unknown at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
generating gap...
Me and my hommies... we always feel as if we are getting older...faster then it ought 2 be... we are as they say.. not in sync or in touch with the younger uns out there...n wat they actually do mean is that wen they are roaming out there on the streets seeing them guys with crazy hairdo's the kinds where there is no partition just spikes or rather long strands covering faces... and shirts that aint tucked in and sneakers that are a size or 2 too big... they feel outta place and so do i... remember bond ordering a martini with watever inside n everyone on the table asking for that in casino royale??? i felt that ways 2 wen this kid no older than 10 walked into the salon with his dad in tow...looking at the barber...tellin him stuff u hear of in vogue... he went: bhaiyaa since i have a square face this cut with this thing will do and since my hair are light i will have crimping (watever that is...i thot its gotta do with lan cabeling) done... n his dads like watever he says just do it... n then he explains 2 his dad wat he meant... n i look at myself n feel my hair...they seem light...n i ask for a crimping 2!!! which i am told wnt look good... n i 2 am like watever...!!! so is this kid a new gen right outta the box thing or is he being fed a diff info then we are?? :|
so is this a gap in itself or is it just some bridge that exists which we never wud infact cross???
n nw as of this moment and in the state i am in... i have a confession 2 make...which... i guess... shud n wud wait for a long long time...
Posted by Unknown at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
shhh... this is a secret...
everyone has their own personal lives... seriously... and they all have the right 2 live it the way they chose... and ur presence absence or pretense has no forbearing on the merest of outcomes or on the way their days progress they are just so bound by their indulgences elsewhere that u r a mere speck and a speck alone which would at times be of assistance or at max a reconnaissance into their messed up lives... and no dont u for once think that this trivial indulgence or a brief interlude into the high and the mighty or rather the banal affliction with the untouched and far away's will be in any ways an indication of an entry into the yet uncharted territory... it is but a breeze that shall blow and die down unless u want to harness it to become the tempest in ur life and make a difference to ur existence which in any case will be independent of the other person in questions being. For u r a speck a mere speck thats there for no reason... but for just a fairly short season, u shall be wiped of like a fading smile... like the night that will give way to the day... like the tomorrow shall erase today, so dont u smile hoping it met something big... it was just a dig u had at ur own life... at ur own expense... so well let the breeze blow past, play ur hand and forget it all.. for u are but a speck who never mattered... but shhhhh... its a secret...
Posted by Unknown at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
who the hell cares...
Its way to easy 2 say and way 2 tuff 2 do... i mean i might be all chirpy about the jobless state i am at airtel... but passing those 8 hours in office with not a whiff of food on my plate and a pretention to keep is not easy... i mean had i been one amongst many with nothing 2 do it would still have been easier, but that sure aint the case... people around me look at me with questioning eyes... pointing fingers at my usual ideal disposition... and that sucks.. i mean i dint chose this for me, this place dont give you many choices and times are rather strange, they say its a correction!!! they say the markets are adjusting, i have just this one question... if people are losing money then who's getting it all.. for money never disappears does it???
Am i here for the lack of initiative? Maybe... for i have dreamt of preparing a CV, waking up only 2 realise that no pixies came in the night to do that for me...and i have dreamt of waking up fitter and slimmer only 2 realise that its easier to quit something then try and stick to it...(gymming for the unitiated)... so thus does it make me a non self initiator sit on your ass nincompoop or am I one amongst so many of you but without the luck 2 boot???
People confuse me... they are sweet this one moment and casually indifferent the next... so are they merely taking advantage of my graciously generous disposition or am i just assuming that friends is a word we usually utter as a nonchalant fix 2 an irritable requirement that can be satisfied only by accompaniment or favor...
Should i digress from this chain of thought which in itself is a digression from the thought with which i started 2 write?? Or should i rather drive into the night which is like a suppressed thought for the mere inaction of my 2 roommates who seem 2 like to lie flat at the mere mention of the word weekend.. or are rather 2 busy with their own coherent lives and i lie down like my usual self on a friday thinking of what it idealy should have been and am weighing the what if's and what not's and then debating about the why that always sticks around...
Why do i end up getting kicked in the butt for every fault of mine... and why do i fall for the last available thing who walked??? I mean i know my existence as this human embodiment sucks and my cribbing is not reaching gods ears n all... but still hey dude!!! why sing a sad song and make the batter... tasteless!!! for i know this walking talking thing is far away reality... i mean not the right thing to mention here... but hell who cares... i aint taking no names... and back off!!! theres never a name... theres only a beleif...a beleif that the brew tomorrow would be just as strong.. that when i sip that coffee i shall not think of this or that... and be transported someplace else!!! for life is someplace else.. this is just a sham that aint ending,.. this is me asking myself, questioning my own existence and planning my own demise, and dying by the moment... only hoping to see some thing smile... so well heres it...theress now...
Posted by Unknown at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent crap, scooty pep, usual
Monday, October 20, 2008
where the hell...
I hereby proclaim that its all the same...
whether u leave or stay, whether its tonight or today...
I aint bothering no more, if u leave at four...
or whether u dead or alive... or if its at five...
but kindly bolt the door behind, if u dont mind...
for am cold and rather numb, say what sounds dumb...
nay it wont try pinch, wont wince an inch...
see i pierced this nail inside, and never cried...
and yeah could u pour me a drink before u exit, nay aint talkin shit...
and yeah also take the trash on ur way out, wud like if u rather not shout...
the dogs asleep, and so am I, so well goodbye...
to u and all those around, hope i aint found...
the knife hurt the nail did not, giving up was the last option i got...
goin under underground still, see u six feet under some hill...
or some sky high, see ya sometime when u die...
Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Care for cake?
Many try... few can do... have their cake... and eat it too...
This quote confused me, the foodie that i am, as a kid i used 2 think that by not having the entire cake on my birthday i was not living the quote, and by having someone else share of the pie i was depriving that individual of a quintessential law proposed by nature, but then as i grew old... and learnt the ways of the world i realised, its beyond a pie eating thing, its about survival...its about taking what you desire and may not deserve, its about looking into plates and pallets of others and picking whatever grub drops of so as 2 feed a starving life... The once fulfilling tangible cake is now a plethora of things and emotions. Everyone feels deprived with their buckets full or empty, they all feel theres something amiss... terribly so... that the central spoke of their wheel of life is missing or is it??? Is it just a wordplay 2 rise above the worldplay, are we all desirous of every possible and available tangible or intangible thing thats there, is contentment just a catch phrase to throw around in parties to appease the demi gods and gurus who in their own world are so empty inside that they are out seeking peace in the pieces of life they are alone in. Are we all so very much focused towards fulfilling lifes goals and ambitions which again are offshoots of seeds planted by a parent or a friend, and as an independent thinking entity you would rather be immersed in something you feel god had desired of u...
Is our hunger ever satisfied...are we ever satiated... is our pie so bloody small that having eaten it till the last grub we are desperate to finish someone else's share, or do we feel so deprived thinking that our flavour wasnt good enough??? As kids it was all too simplistic... vanilla was the only ice cream flavour... pineapple was the only cake... and now vanilla is ewwwww... pineapple is oh puhleease... so has the flavor gone bad or are the new ones so alluring... wrong on both counts... a blind test will show that its just that the value associated with the banal basic stuff is reducing...we need invigoration's we are slave 2 a change.. or are we changing to a slave... in any case we are drifting into modalities and changes with lifestlye that far exceed our realm of experience... wy should human race be so blinded to catch up to a future they themselves havent aspired or dreamt for, why not let the tastes be and taste what exists, we are going beyond ourselves, crossing frontiers, getting into someone else's space, for once... let the animals be... let other life be... ur not the only one on this planet, try and understand theres an ecology we have to support... look beyond ur cake and someone elses for once... look at the baker and how poor he is... he is done baking for u... he had fed u alot... about time u noticed that u r drifting into the realm of a world u dnt understand, dnt be a slave of ur own device... rise up!!! eat the cake and taste it too!!!
Posted by Unknown at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
everybody says i am fine...
Amongst the most inconclusive researches made... the one that stands out is the limit research... and this takes us back 2 the subject of drinking... so as u might have guessed the limit we or rather i am going to talk about is the limit 2 the number of drinks one can have... or should have... the stages one goes through, and when it is that one has peaked and one drop can lead 2 the once thought improbable, for i have been there done that and had made fun of... so this is for all u out there, this is to tell u what not 2 do... or how not to do it...!!!
Posted by Unknown at 12:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pipe dreams...
Well come to the mother of all blog entries... this one is sure to bring in more hits... set the registers ringing... why would it do that??? It would for its for you... and you... and you as well... and you who is not me... its about the reader rather than the writer... the skimmer the glancer... the bored or occupied soul who spares a minute or two to go through a blog... or an entry... and has no courtsey to speak of to post a comment... butt I am a generous writer, i still applaud you for your interest and the effort you took to click on a link and read, and I thank you for the patience you have seen in going this far. And why may you be exhibiting that, or in saner words, why are you here???
>>Is it cuse I am the next best thing to happen after dylan wrote Like a Rolling stone...
>> Or is it cuse I am the inspiration you seek to go through the monotony of everyday...
>>Or am I the beacon u would like to follow to reach a goal that thus far seemed highly unlikely...
>> Or maybe what I write is a further source to inspire your quill to write tales untold...
( After a very crude and banal analysis of my past writings i am ashamed or rather disturbingly annoyed to state that all the above assumptions are not quite true, for the blog in itself is inept and incapable to bring me to read it)
(The answer thus I believe is indeed blowing in the wind... and some sullen wind that is... The answer is that you are not there... the hits are dwindling... the readers have dissapeared... the writers are dying... and I am not spared... its as if the readers never cared (sob sob...tear tear) I hope this emotional plee brings all you people back to the blog that sets the standards for all the blogs that ever existed... I know you are bored out of your life, I know you are out of things to do... and your washing is done... u have bloated loads after eating... your pet dogs are asleep... movies u have run out of... so come on... click... give moi a hit... for together we can and we will make a difference... )
(hmmm... and then god said lie no more u stinking boar... so heres whats in store... the blogs a bore... same scheme...same lines entry after entry after entry... I mean how could I write that was the first thing i asked... so well in light of the misery that it is... lets pretend the earlier entries never existed...and thus try and give a new meaning to it... a new beginning to it. From now on... I would write what you want me to... if u all say that hey give us a poem... voila next day a poem shall be there... if u want a critical analysis of the western monetary and economic policies, with a harsher crtique of Bush's schemes or somehting well u wud hve it.... this blog is thus christened... blogforlog (log as in people in hindi) )
Posted by Unknown at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So far away from me...
So far away from me...
So far that i just cant see...
I wish you thee...
a life free...
From a distance I see you there...
With no notice no care...
in abyss u stare...
do u even see me standing here...
Out from the sky u peep...
I lie here six feet deep...
and for once you notice the creep...
the me who lost his sleep...
atlast a rendezvous with life..., after death...
u stole my breath...
and now breathless in a wreath...
alas we meet...
Posted by Unknown at 10:23 AM 0 comments
the public belch...
Its inescapable... one time or the other everyone has to or ends up belching in the public... its unintentional... involuntary... in an inebriated or satiated state that you let go... and theres no turning back, the joy of the act is writ large on ur face and u cant deny the satisfaction u get from doin that, its not that u mind it, its just this that its a "taboo"... says who??? Well according to the book on etiquette and public mannerisms belch, fart, nose picking, ear wax removal and/or consumption, open air sneeze, puking etc are all proclaimed offences and any act that minutely represents that is considered objectionable and can lead 2 u being cast an outcast... no matter how much hedonsitic gratification that act might give you, it is nonetheless an offence...
So the obvious question is what to do when such a force of nature (unstoppable one at that) meets an immovable object (society)... do u let go... let ur emotions make the batter (better) of u or do u supress the surreptious desire thats rising like a tempest within u... here are a few tips from experts across the world...
- For a burp...try this yogic excercise turn ur face at an angle of 60 degrees to the crowd... then at 120 degrees than 180... if u r able to do that, u r an owl... owls have been known not 2 belch but hoot... I dont give 2 hoots to the trouble... just hoot your way away...
- Or try this meditation technique:- concentrate on the sweetest memory in ur mind... it could be your first date...or your first alcohol high... and then stay there... when you feel alone... alone in that cocoon let go.. burp loud and hard... if u cant see no one none can see u... :)
- or well stop readin this and go relieve urself in the washroom...
Posted by Unknown at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Trimmed along the edges...
Life can cut u bluntly... and unannounced... a moment u r living easy and chilled and the next u r facing ur worse nightmares... and it comes knocking at ur door step... we all like it easy thus, a chilled smooth around the edge kinda drive, no bumps felt kinds... we desire hedonism, a whiff of fortitude and duress and its all in a mess. But something unsettling is just around the corner always, saw something today that jolted me, made me wanna rethink what i am doing here, living and all, i walked around wearing my heart on my sleeve, telling all that its about making a difference, and yet I am another spoke in this wheel of life, besotted and besetted by the predictable motion of everyday, wheres the me who felt one with the world and had set out to make it a better place. Is the schedule and adherence to the nondescript idiocity of it and being a monetary contributor to the escapist tax payers coffer my share of goodwill i had set out to do??? Am i really at peace with myself, by doing a piecemeal mundanity every day, or is it just a make belief world all togehter??? I might just wake up with a different set of ideals tomorrow, so right now i leave my mind with a thought, will u remember me tomorrow as i am today, or will my memory be a stain thats removed by the worst cleanser ever???
Got back from colombo yesterday, awesome place that is... nice clean, organised, the signals dont quite work as well as they function, there function is to make people aware they exist, and people there are aware that the purpose should be served, also was nice to live for 4 days in the lap of luxury... lurved it... every moment of it in a way... and now its back to the dreaded drool or the office, lesse how that pans out... so till the time i think again... good bye... cheers... and a vague caged remember me by... reality is an illusion thats washed away by the sands of time, dreams none can take away...
Posted by Unknown at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
hey well... its finally happened... got 2 step outta india... and colombo of all the places... the last time i did actually put a step out it was standin on the wagah border i dared 2 step into pakistan... and now this... the place... well chuck that, its no different then chennai... tams arnd... the oceans wat draws me here... its amazing... having seen the bay and the sea... the ocean was the pull... sittin on the waterfront... absorbin the enormity of the ocean itself made the trip worth it... humid n sultry it was i drenched shit loads but the roaring waves and the silence before they crashed made it all up... and all this happened a cuple of days ago, since then havnt had a chance 2 step outta here... works keepin me busy, though have recieved a doze of the culture here... some dances etc... but no substitute for a feet on street. Lesse wen that happens... and yeah saw a budhist temple, but wat followed killed the whole experience... it was an indian recievin a taste of his own medicine... the cows came home.. the fat lady sang and i had 2 pay thru the nose... butt all swells wen the pockets well... so well managed the mishap on companies expense...
Saw a komodo dragon or a croc... no cage nothing seperating...chanced upon tht... pretty thrillin tht was 2... and well 2 cut a long story short... 2 days 2 go... lesse wat brews...
Posted by Unknown at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
lost in wanderlust... limited budget going bust... hitchiking to a nowhere land... ragged clothes...guitar in hand... stopping for some shade... some trick life played... the shades lasted longer... the hedonism grows stronger.. i stay in my delerious state... a white collared nobody for life.. thats fate... got misdirected on some turn it seems... or maybe got wasted 2 bad in one of my dreams... a new frontier i cud have created... a burning man or some movement reinstated... but alas i fill some sheets with numbers and crunch them to show results... where i cud have been i some country side hurling insults... i live by every day dreaming to live... this misdirection i wnt forgive... for it hurts 2 much to be a speck o dust.. and seeing it al goin bust... when i cud've been a hurricane... cant seem wash this stain...
Posted by Unknown at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
We are a socialist secular democratic republic has been reworded to.. we are a content... aimless... loathed... sham... for we have lost the real significance of being way back... maybe there was some error in the way patel sire divided the states, or maybe autonomy is a concept misunderstood, but when we look within its pretty much noticeable that we might be winning some stray wars but we are losing the battle as a whole...
The east could be a country in itself... with mamta (am unsure of who i am but am sure i wanna stop bengal from running) bannerjee as their aung yang... and then kashmir with its separatists and parallelists and unsurists forming 3 separate countries... gujrat and modi forming a hindu nation with some defactors from the thackeray end... and then there wud b the southies,... who wnt live together i can guarantee... for they wont share water food or air amongst each other...
and yet we have scribes writing tales about a glorified india with 3 medals thaat... and celebrations on winnin one where a gold shud hve been par for the course... so are we content with the sheer nothingness of the multitude of efforts we put in... for how long wud we cry about how deplorable it all is right when the fat lady is clearing her throat to let lose??? why should conditions not be made right when it counts???
why should so for that matter be delhi allowed to crawl to work and back??? when we have potholes to drive our cars through... and why not sleep on the sidewalk and be crushed by a beamer or a bentley if u r looking at an aristocratic death... n have ur soul wait for justice while the system is bought over by the flying angel atop the phantom someone drove...
or well why not try and set up a plant or a dam that can shape a states future and have some nature freak or a political mileage seeker come along and shit all over ur front yard and u still being left with the task of cleaning up...
and well u cud just burn the poster of the movie playin near ur place be it Casper the friendly ghost and claim that the portrayal of a ghost is demeaning to ur religious beliefs....
somehow calvins world of imagination and freeword is better... and i wud rather be living in it... then trying to manage out here... hey watterson...cud u like rename the strip call calvin seth n be done with it...
Posted by Unknown at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
moved by a movie..
Saw shawshank redemption for the nth time... knew the dialogues by heart... even the opera piece by the french ladies... but still cudnt peal myself away from it... i donno why but i can watch it right now again... was just wondering wat makes it that special, is it for the reason that andy wud crawl out at the end through shit (literally and otherwise) and be free... or cuse it will rekindle lost hope... or cuse red redding will narrate a tale in a way that aint been done or wud happen ever ( n amitabhs bachpan has lost the last shred of respect for he dared doin the bruce almighty god role n has tried 2 do the freeman act far 2 many times, dude u may b good, but ur voice n narrative can never come close)... i just cant figure out, but i hope the pacific is as blue as have seen it in my dreams... the blue sea calls me 2... i was never a sea person or the beach boy... i loved the mountains, still do, but the three months in chennai n the goa things changed that, though a visit to the beach leaves u smelling like fish, but being there, the silence and the solitude the enormity of the sea gives u is tremendous...
Posted by Unknown at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Ek peg hor...
An even bigger stock o' laughter (and a sinister one at that) u r for all the 'Couples' who waltz by, them laughing in muffled tones over your brotherhood (there cant be a more corny word for it), seeing you all swear it out loud, the bouncer (why do they call them that??? do they bounce u out??? or is it that there huge bulk shall make them bounce???) towering over u, and u resorting to headbang your way into a neck sprain. But they are not happy within, the guy is remniscing of his days of freedom, n the girl (this is an assumption) wondering what it will be like to party with headbanging moronic buch of loosers wud b like???
And then it dawns over you, all of this is unreal, the music the laughter the cynical jibes, the toothless argumentative deliberations by the ones in the distance making out with eyes transfixed at your displays of unbashed freedom. What matters what calls this whole place to disorder and blows it to smithriens is the fact that you represent more then a bunch of guys partying, you represent freedom, freedom from the crutches of ineptitude displayed at work, or the momentary lapse in love you suffered, or from the freak of nature who just did dum u, u represent an aimless youth who could be puking on your table right now, laugh over it and not give a flying fuck to anything... u my friend are utopia, and nothing can take it away from u, not a peg more or less can change you, for u r delerium itself... and i am way 2 jagged 2 write... n high not on alchohol but on a spirit far more sinister...
Posted by Unknown at 10:03 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Catapulted... into delerium...
I walk unsure... i tread with no caution
feet struggling to find the ground... head buzzing
I glugged a lot... usually do... nothing new
but then someone came and added a few
lines... a few breaths of delerium... saw me flying
I feel like dying... i wish i bled
lord kill me before am dead
the eyes seem a darker shade of crimson today... the skin...
a paler shade of white...akin...
to a somber summers day...
sun burning...life retreating... feet not sure where to head today...
i like blowing smoke rings... cant quite...
get the touch right...
or maybe its too messed up in the head...
am headed where feet are led...
and to where i dont know... the cliff that seemed to far...
am i following a star... or is my mind still at war..
with my body for i feel like diving...
off this thing and not surviving...
ahh miasma...delerium... unsure i stand on the thores...
of hell and life... on the shores...
of nothingness... entrapped unsure... free..
i let this one be...
no longer at the shore...
now u see me no more...
gone beyond the border where life meets retreat...
in hell... i am... dragged behind my feet...
Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The jokes on me buddy...
Staring down the gallows... my neck in the noose...
I feel like tappin... feeling foot loose...
Oh boy who plays that music that distant sound...
Shit i forgot am on shaky ground...
A step going wrong and its heaven forbid...
Or hell cuse they count the shit u did...
So what do i do.. do i dance and die...
Or do i let it be... and say good bye...
Oh what the hell i am dead any ways...
Dance or stand its end of days...
But why am i here what brings the end near...
So i got a tale would u wanna hear...
yeah rite shut them tight those ears u got...
for boy i got balls n u do not...
my mistake my error my folly is this...
that i always end up like this..
between the devil and the deep blue sea...
and then the gallows too come calling on me...
and i chose to die every single time sun would rise...
hell this time too it aint no surprise...
that dance has to die... in the watery grave...
And naah theres no last kiss or nothing i shall save...
all i'll ask is for the grave digger to dig this un shallow...
fell the rain... not the gallow...
and then again theres a story 2 study..
but welll the jokes on me buddy....
Posted by Unknown at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
random killings of a blog on a midsummer night...
Some sleight of hand... and some mere twist of fate brings me here... i donno how to put it... i donno how u might take it... and i dong really know whether to actually go ahead and say it or not... but yeah its true... its for real... and blame it on balmy faith... or blame it on life itself... but we are where we are... we live the way we do... so distant and disjoint from each other and so very sure we are of lives we lead and of this that in no way or in for no reason will lives be intertwined and meshed up ever by any freak of nature or man... we shall continue to remain disjoint and dissacosiated for echleons to come... and am i supposed to argue or am i supposed to type in the winsome and confusing hi every single day knowing very well that the response shall never be forthcoming... not in this life... for in this life i aint endowed with perfection as we know it... so well lets leave it at that... or rahter park the issue for the moment...
the bone of contention is a what if... what if lives were to not merely exchange glances... but rather there is a bigger deeper more planned interconnect somewhere not 2 far away... or maybe its just me dreaming away hoping against hope though so sure that there is nothing coming out of this sortee i am flying...i might as well radio in a may day... and crash land or chute out while the flights in the air... for its always 2 late for me... theres always a tomorrow to look upto... a yesterday to forget...a today to mess up... so maybe i will rather fcuk up my case 2day... and let your memoirs be yesterday once more... and may i just not only sleep when i close my eyes... i wake up anew afresh alive...
Posted by Unknown at 11:15 AM 0 comments
reality no???
Boy oh boy... do we have a slew of reality shows or what...the influx from the holy states is kinda depressingly refreshingly idiotic... and we have people turning out in hordes to bow in respect and go bonkers over them... it all started when amitabh bhai took people up the societal ladder by askin no more then 10 questions and today it reached the apogee... a score of 20 somethings fighting it out purrrfect bitchy cat style over 20 something wannabees... and us all at home laughing our asses off over the sheer dumbness and idiocity of the stuff they say... englsih so sinly revered by wren and martin blown to tatters by these damsels who rather be uttering the profanities in aamchi mumbaiyaa maan kee hindi or punjabii... them being forced to swear in a language they are rather 2 gauche at...
and then u have the crooners... the dancers... the comic acts... all baring their soul and life in front of a partisan unquestioning polarised crippled in the head crowd...and some judges who wake up with a script in hand of the fights they have to ensure... and the best of the lot are the ones who judge ur singing talent... singers n especially those of repute r good sitting where they r... but u hve music directors who put eric clapton and roger waters together to make it work in some hindi song judging u... or better still u wud have some actor who last sang in a washroom... n then u see the same guy judging a dance show with his own moves choreographed by someone...
where am i getting at??? nowhere... i wish they played splitsvilla all day long i wud tape it all show these chicks what they were talking about when they r 60 somthing and also their kids kids this is what ur granny was like... a PMS'd something with a lose lashing tongue... boy i hate em... i hate these shows... i feel like smashing the tube... or rather turning to floyd for help..
Posted by Unknown at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
world as we blow it...
Unrest defines me... am at unrest with myself and everything around me (i just mis-spelt myself as myelf.. :D ) and that is not what this is about... unrest is passe now... the blowing up bit is in... i am blowing my life up into smithereens everyday... and i love it... and this is ending up being the same taddle tale... so heres something new...
Waking upto the smell of freshly brewed coffee with floyd playing somewhere far away the sound so distant and mystic that u left wondering which song it is...
Hanging out with your friends at whatever and whenver possible and chugging beer till u drop dead....
Devising new and improved plans on how to kill your boss,... saw hulk this weekend... and the hulk smash is numero uno...
Putting urself into situations u can writhe outta by killing some joy outta ur life...
Having a predominant presence of the words infactuation and unrequited in ur life and the 2 words end up being used in the same breath...
Slouched in a bean bag...breeze blowing... having ur fav book coverin ur face n u asleep with no care for the world...
Having the one u like the most run over u n not give a rats ass to the feeling or the situation and then drinking the entire thing down...
Waking up at 3 am only 2 realise its 4 already...
Having an alibi and that 2 an acceptable one for every sick ass punked up fuck up u do... :D
and thts about it for nw...
Posted by Unknown at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
turning 2 fly...
I flew... flew high... tuched the sky...
got a little hazy... stuff seemed crazy...
eyes swelled wet... some stranger i met...
it all seemed right... staying outta sight...
the heart still yearned... the feeling burned...
i punctured a cloud... the sky pored...
feeling bored...maybe defeated... the whole act got repeated... bugged some soul... made it whine... retaliation in order... some mental disorder... and its over again... though it left a stain... a smudge that shows... the cool wind blows... i decide to descend... rain pelts... wax wing melts... it aint icarus's tail... where mind did fail... its a planned demise... thus not a surprise...
Posted by Unknown at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
forking away... picking a leaf... moving on...

I guess I lost the whole sense of happiness in its truest form a while back... and as someone said... misery brings the best outta us... i think i fell in love with it... and now picking a leaf from tikku's way of putting things while blogging... as S said... theres nothing wrong or right about trying to make things work... what matters more is do they or dont they.... I always hoped they would... they never did never would i hope i continue to rue the fact that they dont...for then only can i wake up at 1 in the night and think things through...
Freindship aint something i swear by... i mean within a couple of days it will be legal for me 2 touch booze in delhi and within half an year or so my friends shall be stepping into a world where calling them for booze is outta question... so i guess i am reconciling with the fact that for 2 years i shall be getting smashed alone... though theres an upside to it... i will foot my own bill.. :D....
and again taking a cue outta tikkus blog...some people have definite strands of difference hanging outta the bow tie they wear every day... they are so new i feel like puking my guts out... for i dont mind change... as long as its good... but as soon as someone changes and the change aint for the greater common good... but rather a self sufficing fallacy of promises and buttressing someone to get stuff goin... it makes me wanna give up my MBA and think of joining something that shal atleast guarantee world peace...
now this goes to X and double a... i donno how many times i have said this... but why would someone break someones heart when the person dont have the courage to do it... so well... since none of them got the courage to shit over it all.. i will say try make some castles in the air outta it... put up in them... and rent me a place outta it for its been a while since i dreamt lucid...
so where does it put me now... it puts me right where i belong... on the fork... sure as hell this will end... sure as hell tomorrow when i wake up all the thoughts of F shall be gone and as X put it... forget her seth... forget her... so well..
heres to forgive and forget...
to all the strangers i met...
to the lies i lied...
to the times i tried...
to the dangling conversations...
to the uneneding chatless frustrations...
to tonight tomorrow and what remains..
to the heartache and pains...
to being and being played a fool...
to the fact... tht i aint cool!!! :)
signing off...
Posted by Unknown at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
midnights child run...
and then floyd... floyds the pole star the guiding light to me... and wish u were here and comf numb bring respite and great gig settles it all.. so so u think u can tell... well butttttt iiiiiiiiii hve become comfortably numb... and tomorrow i wont wake up... i dont wanna wake up... i see no point on going through this any more...but before i go...let me make my final stand... hmmm chuck it... adios...
Posted by Unknown at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
sick and counting...
the sad part was she knew it...
but when its getting done with u dont care shit...
she knew i cudnt say it seeing her in the eyes...
that i would end up making up lies...
or reasons sad as they were, to avoid...
the talk of the thing the "void"...
so i left a note... with my usual ps to conclude...
and did post it with regards so as to not sound rude...
and imagined then what it would be like there...
hell when its over you dont care....
but still would she shed a tear...
or wud she simply tear....
and call it a day...celebrate...
did she say wait or hate...
its over right why this thought...
theres better stuff to think about aint it not...
did i stick a stamp or would she have to pay...
man i posted the thing on a sunday....
and she wont like paying the postman the dime or nickel...
these things made her rather fickle...
shud have called and done it u might be sayin...
then the breakdown at the other end wud men am stayin...
but wud she have broken down and cried...
or wud those drops have lied....
what the hell... its over i snapped it... its done...
but then again a replacement needed.. neone???
Posted by Unknown at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
to freethinking and friends... meaningless idiosyncracises...
Posted by Unknown at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Setting the right KRA and driving through hell…
Driving on Delhi roads is a nightmare, you need sharp reflexes, sharp senses auditory and visual, a loud horn and the loudest swear to get by, and if you aint got all that, u better be a blue line bus driver, for they are the self anointed kings of the road, they make no rules and they have made their bones as godfather would have put it. They command a respect that they have earned, earned by being the terror on the road, their kill count will put all war movies to shame, if a hummer were to bow down to something it would be a blue line. And negotiating the roads and the terrors that accompany driving gets tougher once you have a KRA to worry about, a KRA for the uninitiated stands for Key Result Area/Areas, and basically its hogwash, and some MBA grad in some not too distant a past would have coined this to get by.
Hers how it works, when you begin the year, you start off by setting what you think you would achieve, knowing very well that whatever you are writing down may not be what you are currently doing or end up doing, a KRA follows a cascading approach and what that means is that a purview of what you do is an offshoot of what your boss is doing, so if he wants to kill somebody, ur KRA is a something that contributes to the whole cause, so urs would be, supplied the knife/gun etc (if its self initiative thing)… or contacted the supplier that will do that (if its for external customer)… or negotiated the price (if its financials) and so on. Thus its all subject to the stuff that someone else is doing, even if in the entire thing u dint wanna play a part, but the perf linked incentive thing stipulates that for the employee to be eligible he must have actively participated in the cause and for exceeding the 100% amount you need to do beyond so if u like slashed the throat boy u r in for a raise.
So here I was driving to office in the morning and behind me I hear the loudest and the most irritating belch of a horn I have heard ever, and I glanced up and through the corner of my eye I saw a monster of a bus inches from my car, and I was confused, what would his KRA be, the drivers I mean, mow someone down? Sever some limbs? Crush a kid? Or is their a ticking time-bomb Speed style, the moment his speedo dips below 60 some poor soul dies!!! Another belch from the bus and I snap back to reality, and there’s a fork on the road, which way do I turn to avoid being chased?? I look in the rear, no indicator from him, come on dude for once let it be known to the world where you headed. So I do the surd trick, indicate am turning left and turn right, and the bus I see drifting away, I thus live to see another day, and having taken the wrong turn I might just be late to office, but at-least I will reach, atleast I will be able to fill some goddam KRA form, atleast I will be able to get rated for my PLI having cheated death, atleast I escaped the killers killing bid, atleast now I will be able to sip and say “ heres looking at you kid”!!!
Posted by Unknown at 12:20 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Curse of being an MBA
Posted by Unknown at 11:58 PM 2 comments